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  • Date sheet photoionisation (PID) lamp - 光離子化燈
    Data Sheet Photoionisation (PID) Lamps -PID燈
    Heraeus has many years of experience in providing DC and RF driven PID lamps to leading instrument manufacturers. Applications include gas chromatography, portable gas sniffers and sample ionisation for mass spectrometry. The Heraeus engineering team works closely with instrument development engineers to design unique lamps matched to the instrument. Miniature PID lamps (P_R-6 series) for very compact handheld applications, e.g. in gas monitoring, are a Heraeus speciality.
    Key features of Heraeus PID lamps:

               different gas fills (e.g. Xenon, Krypton, Deuterium, Argon)
               very high gas fill purity for long lamp lifetime
               different window materials with different cut-off wavelengths
               high purity window material for better transmission
               DC or RF (electromagnetic field) driven lamps
               unique lamp designs and dimensions to fit any instrument 
    Gas fill
    Heraeus photoionisation lamps are available with a variety of gas fills including argon, krypton, xenon and deuterium gases. When used with the windows detailed below, outputs are equivalent to the photon energies quoted. 
    Heraeus PID lamps are available with magnesium fluoride, lithium fluoride, sapphire and synthetic silica windows. Magnesium fluoride is the most common window material, providing excellent deep ultraviolet transmission with reasonable lifetime. Heraeus’ unique processing technique allows the use of a thinner MgF2 window improving transmission and therefore improving life due to a reduction of the density of light absorbing colour centres. 
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